look over there,  

Monday, October 26, 2009

its time for us to go back to our original vampire lovers..bartok and xenoa..and they have gone for another walk in the woods..but wait...xenoa has seen something....I wonder what it is?

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oh oh...daemora now must back up as pinky lunges towards her..bonga..is coming closer as well..whatever will daemora do?

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yes thats it..come closer  

we can beat you..no vampire can get us. pinky flexes her muscles while daemora bends down...she raises her hand...above pinky's head...what will happen next?

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we're ready for you!  

Sunday, October 11, 2009

bring it on! come closer we dare you! do you see our muscles???

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see I brought a friend!  

Oh you vampire lady, you can't scare me..I have a friend with me and she's ready to take you on...don't let the pink fool you, she's a strong girl...
lets see what you can do with 2 of us!

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oh you think you can beat me?  

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hmmm Daemora seems to have stopped in her tracks as Bonga strikes a pose...
I wonder if she is amused by this display of bravery?

I think bonga can be pals with Daemora..she does need a friend...

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I see you my pretty  

hmmm Bonga seems to have found Daemora but she is just standing there..waiting ...I wonder what will happen to her?

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